Friday, October 19, 2007

Principal's Pride

Emma was honored at school with the Principal's Pride award this week. The award was given to her for "always following the rules and being an amazing author" quoted by her teacher. Emma absolutely loves school and is learning so much. We are so proud of her.


Natalie Jo said...

Way to go EMMMA! She is getting so big! And she looks tall! I can't believe she is in 1st grade! So grown up!

Bill Page said...

That is great!! I cannot believe she is in 1st grade. Where has the time gone?

Susan said...

Congratulations Emma!

Anonymous said...

Emma is such a smarty-pants! :) That's great!!! Love your blog, by the way.

Ann Marie said...

That is fantastic! How proud you must be! So great to hear from you by the way! Your family is so cute! Keep in touch!

Susan said...

Hellllloooo! New post please. I keep checking but it's been months. Come on Krissie!

FitzFam4ever said...

Krissy, this is Alison Clawson Fitzgerald from DSPD/Governor's Office. I was just looking on my blogsite of who has permission and saw your name and clicked on it. There was your beautiful family! I can't believe your babies are so big. I hope you are doing well. Do you still work for the State? Do you still see Angie?

The Olsons said...

So I found your blog from your comment! It has been a year since you updated! Hopefully you'll decide to start it up again!